Friday, 20 December 2013

What's up with double eyelids?

First, what is a “double eyelid”?

“Double eyelids” refer to a crease in your eyelid that makes it fold over itself. When this happens your eyelid is still visible when your eyes are open. Sometimes it can be difficult to notice, because a lot of people have them, but, upon closer inspection, you’ll notice that not everyone has them. In fact, a lot of Asians do not have double eyelids.

Okay, now why are double eyelids desirable?

The visual effect of having your eyelid still visible when your eyes are open makes your eyes appear larger and more round. In general, this is perceived as being more attractive, and this is why Open Upper Blepharoplasty (you can find out more by clicking the following link: is very common and, actually, quite popular in Asian countries such as Korea and Japan.

Open Upper Blepharoplasty is a very small, very safe surgery. Most patients experience minimal swelling and have to get few stitches depending on the steps that are taken during the operation. They are able to return to work and socializing in 3 to 7 days’ time, but this also depends on the patient and their personal rate of healing. 

What are eye bags?

We’re all familiar with those dreaded eye bags that suddenly appear under our eyes after a long night of not sleeping. They darken, they bulge and they have a way of making you look tired, sad and old. We know that some people are very fortunate to be able to “remove” these eye bags simply by getting the amount of sleep they need. We know that some people aren’t as lucky and always have those present, no matter how subtle. But what are “eye bags”, really? What are they for? Do they exist simply for the purpose of making our lives seem more miserable than they really are and, in the process, actually make our lives miserable?

 Well, as it turns out, eye bags result from a build-up of fluids in your eye area, and this causes swelling. Normally the swelling is very mild and only shows up in the under area of our eyes. Apparently, when you get older, you have the tendency to really have puffy eyes. It’s an age-related thing. Though, some young people have it, too, and some possible reasons are: genetics, sinus infections, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, too much salt (which cause the body to retain more water) and sleeping position.

 With this in mind, it’s actually pretty easy to get rid of eye bags. For those of you who were born with it, there are surgical procedures that you can avail of like Open Blepharoplatsy (like the one described in this link: If you notice that you have eye bags in the morning but they disappear later on in the day, it could just be because of fluid retention, in which case, you can just add another pillow to sleep on and, also, eat less salt.